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Find Waterfront Bar
A community for finding bars and restaurants with a waterview.
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Please register or login to add your favorite waterfront bar or restaurant.
This is your way to contact FindWaterfrontBar.com

Please enter a short description of your request in the Title box, and a complete request description in the Body text box.

If you are requesting an upgrade in membership or for status as a bar owner, please make sure your profile is as complete as possible. To take ownership of a listing, we have to contact you at your bar's phone.

You can track the status of your requests in your Profile page (see My Profile to the left.)
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Fill out the form below to send a request to the WFB staff

Submit a request to WFB

Type of request:  
From user:   Guest
Bar name:   Not listing entry related
Title (short description):  
Body (enter complete description)  
Send me email for all updates to this request: (must be registered)  

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Please drink responsibily and don't drink and drive.

Check out:  NHTSA Designated Driver programs   or   Wikipedia

There are 8 users online.There have been 103031 sessions to date
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